Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 7 Blog Reviews

Love, Homo Sapien Style
This post contained a lot of strong ideas about marriage and you expressed your thoughts clearly and effectively. You started by stating why you believe in marriage and why it should not be abolished and this is a good topic which you seemed to be passionate about. However, in the third paragraph you introduce an entirely separate branch of marriage by talking about gay marriage. Although the paragraph is organized, opening up a new topic is misleading to the reader. And because you have opened two topics, the conclusion of your post does not sum up the necessary ideas. I would suggest sticking to one main idea and topic and concluding it thoroughly before starting another one.

No blog post for 9/28

Marrying to Get Divorced
Firstly, I admire you for supporting your belief so strongly because it is definitely different than the traditional norm. This blog post was very clear and your voice and tone made it easy to read. My only suggestion would be to add some more textual support – by adding more quotes your thoughts and opinions can be supported by an outside source. Other than that, this post was intriguing and you able to express your beliefs clearly.

Sex, Lies and Conversation Directed Freewrite
This was a fantastic real-life example bases on the readings from our textbook. You did a great job describing the situation and what specific actions made you upset. Then you were able to relate it to a specific quote and area in the related article. This was a great post and I don’t have any suggestions.

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