Thursday, October 7, 2010

What is Natural?

Ideas about what is “natural” are completely subjective to almost every single person on this planet. Even the term “natural” is so vague that it should be thrown out as a descriptive quality. Natural could mean without human interference, occurring independently or we could be really specific and say that natural means solely a component of nature like grass, flowers, sunshine, etc. Because natural is such an ambiguous term, it is shocking to learn that it is used in discussions of homosexuality and other human behaviors.
Both supporting and opposing sides of homosexuality use the term natural to support their argument. Supporters of homosexuality may believe that homosexual behavior is a natural human behavior and argue on the basis that what is natural should be accepted among our society. The arguments against homosexuality may state that sexual behavior between a man and a woman is what is natural for humans and by engaging in homosexual behavior, people are being unnatural. Ideas of what is natural can be twisted and manipulated in to whatever the speaker wants you to believe. 

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