Lauren Spencer - Greatest Hits
Good luck with the rest of the semester! We can all see the light at the end of the tunnel. First, I would like to say that has been a pleasure reading your blog. I have always looked through your posts to hear your opinions and take on the weekly posts. I admire that although you have personal opinions and preferences – you keep them out of your writing for the most part. You have done an exceptional job of analyzing the readings and taking them at face value. Good luck with the rest of this course but honestly, if you just keep doing what you’ve been doing I’m sure you’ll do great.
Can We Be Good Without God?
I chose this as one of your greatest hits because I absolutely love this post. It is amazing to see that although you have had a specific upbringing in a particular religion, you can still see both sides to an argument. Its okay to pick a side every once in a while but it’s nice to see that you believe that not everything has to be black and white.
Nature and the Natural Instinct
This is a phenomenal post. You introduce the topic with clarity and reasoning but again mention that not everything can be black or white – “but who are we to judge or say what is natural or unnatural?” Your views about nature tie perfectly in to its relation to homosexuality and you are able to express yourself clearly. This posts organization is very clear and flows nicely which makes it a lot easier to read and understand. Great job.
Music and Dancing
I chose this as another one of your greatest hits simply because of your ability to say, “honestly, I see it both ways”. Your thoughts of sexuality in the music industry are clearly outlined and although you may have a very specific opinion – you are also able to explain both sides of the argument and support both views. I hope you understand what a great characteristic this is to have in your writing – being able to express both sides clearly and without bias is a tremendous accomplishment and I admire you for it.